Plot- The lives of powerful psykers Halo and Ovelia are starkly different in the war-ravaged Imperial universe of the 41st millennium. Forged as a lethal psyker for the Imperium, Halo struggles to make his weak stature and will strong enough to survive the constant threats against his life from enemies and his own insanity. Meanwhile, Ovelia is a radiant and charismatic rogue furthering a religious rebellion against the Imperium and agents of Chaos. Their paths merge when Ovelia is commissioned to telepathically recruit other powerful psykers and Halo emerges as her next project. For twelve years their conflicting personalities struggle to find balance amongst their even more volatile personal beliefs of their real lives.
Story: Parts 1-5
This story is written non-linearly, so the general time frame is this:
Characters & Organizations:
Halo's Life
Halo's Life
Halonoire "Halo" Saladin [hal-AH-nor-AY sal-AH-deen]- Outwardly an awkward and weak Imperial psyker, Halo often gets overlooked despite his incredible telekinesis powers. He initially holds no value for his life, leading to constant reckless happenings.
Spectra- Halo believes his unstable mind developed a split personality representing every shred of happiness left in his life called Spectra. Knowing this is heretical, he hides her existence as well as his conflicting feelings towards her.
Inquisitor Van- Halo's first mentor after being released from his psyker training.
Inquisitor Severus- The current inquisitor Halo serves with on the Shining Dawn with the assassin Myr, the tech priest Argos, and grenadier Shy.
Ovelia's Life
Ovelia- Once the young wife of a noble, Ovelia's life took a radical turn when she was discovered to be a psyker. Her impressive ability to manipulate mind earns her a position with a rogue group of psykers called Void Walkers to recruit other endangered psykers.
Thirteen- Not allowed to see the personal information of the young psykers she reaches out to, Ovelia dubs an annoying psyker as Thirteen. Her years working with him produces a much stronger bond than she ever anticipated, something she fears will compromise her work with the Void Walkers.
Raveneye (aka Caractus, Rovell, Viogata)- A shape-shifting psyker of lore who works with the Void Walkers. He has four personae that alternate days existing in the same body, one of them being the strong willed Caractus, Ovelia's mentor.
Aurora- Ovelia's best friend who helped her rebel against the Imperial psyker training facility they were trapped in.
The Imperium-
The quintessential order of the human race in allegiance to the god Emperor.
All developed life in the universe operates under the banner of the Imperium or
is otherwise at war with them. This alliance came into power after the great
Strife in which all previous human history was forgotten. The capital planet of
Terra has the main psyker training facility under the gracious psychic
influence of the Emperor as well as the Astronomican to sacrifice any unruly
psykers to for harvesting their powers.
The Void
Walkers- A religious order (exclusive to our campaign universe) who believes
the forgotten Strife was actually the Rapture and those humans remaining are
the souls unclaimed by Heaven or Hell. Their goal is to bring about the full
Apocalypse so there will be peace amongst humans and the prevailing angelic or
demonic armies. They mostly side with Heaven only because the angels also
desire an end.
Working against the Void Walkers
because they view the Apocalypse as the end to all humanity, RIFT desires delaying
the war to permit further human existence. RIFT has become more violent over
the years and has attracted demon allies, but they only do so because they wish toeven the odds against the Void Walkers.
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