"Souls Shall Reign" is a collaboration story I'm ghost writing for. The general premise, world, and characters belong to my friend Mr. Brian. He's surrendered control of his world to me and only time will tell if this was a wise idea or not.
Book One: Collapse of the Azure Realm
Living a rather mundane life as a mason on a recovering island of the Azure Kingdom, Will makes a discovery that threatens the hesitant peace of the four kingdoms of Iderus. When a resurfacing terror befalls his home and captures his friend, he must set off with his mentor Aeron to confront a mounting enemy seeking to destroy the royal monarchies at all costs. Will's persistent chase brings him into a world of elemental sorcery and revelations as with a confrontation of the darker realms dwelling within the hearts of mankind.
Chapters: One
Will- A young masonry expert with a borderline insulting wit and a mouth refusing to contain it. Beneath his rambunctious exterior is an intelligent mind searching for contentment or purpose.
Aeron- The solemn master mason of Raven's Perch with a concealed past. He is like a father to Will but would rather be free of the obligation.
Osiris- Will's overworked father who also would rather be free of the obligation.
Iderus- A large island/continent containing four kingdoms. All of the realms exist in hesitant peace after decades of power struggles.
Azure Islands/Blue Kingdom- Numerous southern island chains and a large delta port on Iderus's mainland.
- Raven's Perch- a medium sized island once an optimal defensive force to eastern attackers. Now in peace times, most of its economy has dwindled to only traders and those repairing the once legendary sea barricades left in ruin.
Jade Forests/Green Kingdom- The western land of lush terrain and wildlife.
Jasper Range/Red Kingdom- Mountainous and volcanic plateau to the north of Iderus.
Golden Dessert/Yellow Kingdom- A nearly vacant wasteland in the eastern valley of the Jasper Range.
More characters and locations will be added as they are introduced in the story